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The BodyBlade Movement is a comprehensive ball-handling program designed to help players master the two elements of effective offensive attacking: ball control and body positioning. Most trainers focus only on ball control and dribbling — this leaves players with fast handles that they can’t actually use to score.


The Body Blade System will teach you


  • The essential ball control drills all players MUST be doing daily if they want to handle the ball at a high level (without any useless "fluff" drills)
  • The core differences between traditional locomotion and movement in a sports-specific context
  • How to (and why you should) get low at the rate of gravity to beat athletic defenders
  • How to leverage your body weight from all positions to gain an edge over stronger defenders
  • And much, much more


The Body Blade System is an interactive program. Upon purchase, you'll be delivered a PDF document that lays out the teachings in clear, step-by-step order. As you progress through the document, you'll encounter a number of linked video examples and video breakdowns of the system in action. Finally, you'll be given a daily ball control routine and a series of body positioning progressions that you can start implementing today, regardless of your current age or skill level.

The Body Blade System


Breakpoint/Body Blade Bundle

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